Across Arizona Tours - Photos

Across Arizona Tours - Photos
Grand Canyon

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sedona, Arizona named one of the most Beautiful Sacred Places Around the World

Sedona, Arizona has long drawn people interested in healing, spirituality, mysticism, and metaphysics, who come for more than just the dramatic, red-rock beauty. The area is famous for its vortexes, powerful centers of kinetic energy that can have a deep effect on those who visit them; there are four main ones spread around town, including one near the airport. 
By Sandra Ramani,

As a kid growing up in Arizona. I thought canyons were all a mile deep, catus grew 50 feet tall, and cliffs were red as they are in Sedona and the entire world. Then I drove through Texas!  : (


Vortexes, Arizona

By Sandra RamaniWednesday, Apr 4, 2012, 4:00 AM

Read more:,8497/#ixzz1rgqpQ5aB
Sedona, Arizona has long drawn people interested in healing, spirituality, mysticism, and metaphysics, who come for more than just the dramatic, red-rock beauty. The area is famous for its vortexes, powerful centers of kinetic energy that can have a deep effect on those who visit them; there are four main ones spread around town, including one near the airport. 

The ancient Native American Yavapai people knew about these centers, and celebrated this "Great Mother" energy with petroglyph paintings and sacred dwellings. Today, visitors can easily walk or hike to the four spots (the one in Boynton Canyon is among the most popular), and once there, can meditate or just soak up the good vibes. Many feel recharged and uplifted after visiting a vortex, and some guests even report having visions or deeper experiences while in town.

Read more:,8497/#ixzz1rgqP1TS4

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