Across Arizona Tours - Photos

Across Arizona Tours - Photos
Grand Canyon

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Western attitudes shows residents see public lands as key to their state's economies.

A recent survey of Western attitudes shows residents of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana and Wyoming see public lands as key to their state's economies...

As younger people come of age, a whole new generation of environmental voters will have a strong impact on our parks. 

Survey of Western Attitudes Shows Strong Support for National Parks, Clean Environment:

A survey of Westerners shows overwhelming support for conservation of the landscape, with strong pluralities agreeing that "national parks, forests, monuments and wildlife areas, are an essential part" of their state economies...

 “Western voters consistently believe that conservation helps create and protect jobs for their states,” Mr. Metz said. “In fact, by a 17-point margin, voters are more likely to say that environmental regulations have a positive impact on jobs in their state rather than a negative one.” 

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