Across Arizona Tours - Photos

Across Arizona Tours - Photos
Grand Canyon

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

McCain changes tune on support for Grand Canyon air tours

Read more about important issues concerning the Crown Jewel of our National Parks - The Grand Canyon.
Photo by Micheal Quinn, NPS
Tour operator a major campaign supporter



A quarter century has elapsed since Sen. John McCain championed a new law to restore “natural quiet” in the majestic Grand Canyon where the clatter of choppers and small planes reverberated as they ferried sightseers over the national park...

In the current public comment period, the Park Service is taking heat for its proposals not only from the air tour industry but at the other end of the spectrum from environmental advocates who want fewer flights permitted. Both sides cite laws and policy arguments to back their cases, so whatever the administration’s final decision, the battle may not end there...

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